Sunday, June 10, 2012

I didn't ask for this

I readily admit I am remarkably undisciplined.  Sometimes, in a fruitless attempt to embarrass myself into being a little more disciplined I will publish a blog post in which I say I will do this, read that book, not engage so-and-so. And then I fail. Get the picture?

However weak and ineffectual my efforts may be, the one thing I do know is that I have a unique history.  I've asked folks who should know if there is anyone else out there who used to be an "Egalitarian" involved with CBE who has repented and embraced God's good design for men and women - and, apparently, I am it*.  Not any place I ever wanted to be and certainly not any place I believe myself equipped to be.

So, much as I would like to just fade away into oblivion and write a really bad mystery novel that sells approximately 7.3 copies, I don't think that's going to happen.  And, much as I would prefer to never again type the words "heresy", "blasphemy" or "religious feminism", I don't think that's going to be possible.

So, if you think questioning my veracity or my reality (this "Kamilla" person, as one commenter recently put it) will embarrass me or shame me into silence, you can stop now.  It won't work.

As for who is preventing me from commenting on Rachel Held Evans' blog, here is the only proof I have to offer:

*I know there are many other women out there who have forsaken feminism, religious and secular, I'm just talking about the specific experience with CBE.


  1. Rachel's site gives the definition of being banned quite clearly: constantly negative. That's what you are, everywhere you go. Why not devote yourself to something that you love instead of devoting yourself to debunking views you hate. As they say, living well is the best revenge. Certainly the world could use a good complementarian mystery novel.

  2. The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of hm, but because he loves what is behind him.


  3. Kamilla,
    You certainly are a persistent voice for your beliefs. You expect others to respect your views, then don't denigrate theirs. You have a story to tell that is rather unique. Instead of putting others down, tell your story. What changed your mind, how God worked in you. That way you'll never have to use the words heresy or blasphemy ever again.

    To be honest, i tend to skip through your comments because they are so abrasive and caustic. Maybe try something a little toned down

  4. Just a quick note:

    I usually don't engage folks who are too ashamed to own their words. Own your criticisms and I will cheerfully engage them.


  5. If you treated people a little better, they might be willing to engage you with their names.


  6. Yay, we have a name!

    Given that I am taking a stand against blasphemers and heretics, how does treating "people a little better" look?

  7. So, you are taking a stand against people who question the Deity of Christ? Blaspheming the Holy Spirit? Questioning the Virgin Birth?


  8. For example...


  9. Holding that Christ only had a male body while He walked the face of the earth - variations of which are increasingly common among religious feminists. That is a species of Gnosticism.

    Calling God "Mother" or making references to "God Herself" - the latter of which blasphemies is from Rachel's blog.

  10. The first item you cite actually goes back quite a ways. If I'm not mistaken, the original version of that heresy was that Christ had no human body, but a spirit body that was visible.

    I presume that you are talking about Rachel Held Evans in the second. To my knowledge, Rachel hasn't called God "Mother"
