Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reasons to get married

I was looking at my forearms today. OK, so I really am not that vain. I just get a bit tired of my left arm being darker than my right. It's a consequence of driving with the windows down about 8 months out of the year. And when you're single, you know it's always going to be the left arm darker than the right.

So I figured, if I could get married, then I could even out my tan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it'd still be a "farmer's tan" because I don't go sleeveless. But, since I really don't go sleeveless or wear a swimsuit in public - who is ever gonna know?

Oh, right. So, one person would know, but by the time he found out it would be a done deal and too late to back out, see?


P.S. I got asked if I was in a "rapunzel" contest today - guess my hair really is getting long!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, that's an inequality I hadn't thought to worry about. Men when they marry STILL have uneven tans...

Beth Impson said...

That's really funny! Of course, if you end up like me for the first several years, your left arm will fade back to normal and your right arm will be tanned . . . :)

See if you can win that contest. I bet you look beautiful with long hair!


Anonymous said...

> I got asked if I was in a "rapunzel" contest today - guess my hair really is getting long!

You go, girl!! [Hope they weren't being sarcastic.]

> So I figured, if I could get married, then I could even out my tan.

Doesn't work for us guys, since we're always in the driver's seat, whether solo or duo. ;o) [Or maybe it's just me, being an old pilot, and not liking being a passenger.]


Anonymous said...

Here's one the pop-cult should latch on to, but is of course silent about:

Marriage is much "Greener" -- Two people living in one place instead of singles living alone. Duplicating all the energy and other costs really adds up quick.
