Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's definitely Fall

I made a pot of tea this morning - second of the season. I will also admit that I make it the old fashioned way with water boiled in a proper tea kettle, the tea pot warmed, a cozy (makeshift though it may be) and I even go to a special shop to get Britain's "favourite" tea - PG Tips.

Between that and the baking supplies I recently bought (a dozen and a half eggs, Guinness - for bread only, cheddar, sugar for cookies, etc.) . . .

Yes, it's definitely Fall.



Beth Impson said...

How I wish! It's still so hot and humid here that hot tea could kill you, and no unnecessary cooking is allowed to keep from having to run the air too high . . .

Maybe next month it'll start to cool down!

p.s. I wondered about the last post but had too many mysteries of my own to solve as the school term began . . . :)

Fr. Bill said...

Ah so. It isn't my imagination. It's felt distinctly fallish here too. I'm still ingesting about a gallon of iced tea a day, but if it keeps this cool much longer, it'll turn to hot tea.

Anonymous said...

We slept with the windows open last night for the first time!

Anonymous said...

How funny! We made choucroutte early last week (a definite Fall dish for us) and I started having hot mint tea after dinner last week, too... another Fall/cool weather sign. Leaves began turning, noticeably, last weekend. And, unlike Michael, I slept with the windows closed for the first time since May. It's definitely autumn.