Monday, August 22, 2011

Aww, look at the cute little goats playing!

The Monday Merriment feature is on hold this week.  I don't want to laugh.  I want to cry, to weep for the judgment that has befallen us.  Honestly, what I'd rather do is find a place with a nice quiet covered patio, a view, a rocking chair and a bottle of 25-year-old single malt (small bottle since I want to be alone for this) so I can forget about the evil in the world, just for a few minutes.

As a friend reminded me tonight, when we reject God's law, judgment falls and people offer their children on Molech's altar.  Under the guise of listening to people's stories and a new system of ethics called, "narrative ethics", we have tossed out God's moral law and substituted our own judgment.  The goats are in among the sheep, pretending to be so nice and kind and such very good listeners. And we are offering our children on the altar of Molech - only today Molech wears a white robe and performs the sacrifice in a sterile environment, hiding the blood from all.

Weep with me, will you?

31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.  (Matthew 25:31-33, NASB)


TaiPod said...

This whole focus on narrative ethics is downright misguided. It is interesting how the world will twist any good thing into a justification for its own sinfulness. As Tolkein and Lewis asserted, one way of putting it is that all myth takes its shine from the true "myth" of God's miraculous working, so great and beyond our faculties to comprehend that He has given us a narrative framework so we can understand it. All good narratives reflect the Great Narrative. However, any narrative divorced from Christ is essentially worthless. We want to give some Christ-less, God-less meaning to our lives, so we create narratives for ourselves, trying to generate a sort of goodness where there is none. But unless that narrative is working towards redemption in Christ, these is no good just as any ethic that attempts to come about without God is no good. The pharisees searched the scriptures, believing that they could find eternal life there. But Jesus told them that without Him, there was no life to be found because all Scripture pointed to Him.

Alice C. Linsley said...


"All good narratives reflect the Great Narrative. However, any narrative divorced from Christ is essentially worthless."

Amen! Worthless because it is without meaning and leads to nihilism.

Anonymous said...

The people you think of as "evil," Kamilla, may very well be better people than you are. Think about that. Do you really think you're in a position to pass judgment on anyone? Or that you speak for God?