Monday, January 31, 2011

Two "Must See" films

I know one of the old broadcast networks uses, "Must See TV" as their slogan (at least they did last time I watched). However, these are two truly must-see films. One is a major motion picture, the other is a documentary.

True Grit is the major motion picture - and I don't think I've seen a more thoroughly Christian movie come of out the movie-making establishment since Chariots of Fire.

Eggsploitation is the documentary. It just won the Best Documentary award at the California Independent Film Festival State Awards. Eggsploitation spotlights the multi-billion dollar business, get that? business that is the infertility industry. Not for the faint of heart.

Buy the documentary, go see True Grit as well. You won't walk away from either as quite the same person.

(more on both later this week)

1 comment:

Bobby Winters said...

Kamilla, as good as the movie is, the book True Grit is even better. I recently listened to an audiobook version read by Donna Tahrt. It was amazing.